When You HEAR the Voice of the LORD, ANSWER HIM!

I was in my late teens–around 17-19 years old, when I thought having an experience of LITERALLY hearing the Voice of the LORD God like the Prophet Samuel did, would be an awesome experience. I prayed to the LORD to allow it to happen for quite some time, and one night, it happened…

I was dead asleep, and I awoke to a man’s voice calling my name out–“JEANNETTE MARCELLI”; JEANNETTE MARCELLI”–😯I suddenly woke up, and what I thought I was hearing in my dream, was LOUD and CLEAR in my bedroom!🫢I was stunned, to say the least!

But immediately, I remembered Samuel’s experience, and realized that the LORD was answering MY prayer!😀 I called out, repeating the same words that Samuel spoke–“Speak; for your servant hears you.” Once that happened, I thanked the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for allowing me to hear His Voice. That was the only time (so far) in my life, that I audibly heard His Voice. But boy, was that some wake up call!😐😊✡️📖✝️🕊️💖

When I turned 19 years old, I was “officially” called into the ministry, in the office of a Prophet, and I reluctantly accepted the “position”. I knew what opposition there was going to be with family, friends, and whatever else the evil ones could throw at me, especially at such a young age, when you are trying to establish yourself in this world. I wanted to obey the LORD’s Voice, and do what was called of me to do…

But by the time I neared the end of my 20th year, I started turning down a road that was NOT where the Lord wanted me to go; I worried more about what relationships I was going to have, and foolishly spending my hard earned money, instead of saving and tithing it as I should have. Within the next 5 years, my life changed dramatically–I became an unwed mother, losing both of my parents to their diseases, stopped going to school because of poor life choices, and was stuck on a crooked road, nowhere near where the LORD wanted me to go, or to serve Him in the capacity I was supposed to.

It took the next 30+ years and two divorces plus moving here and there, for me to realize that the LORD God’s voice was the ONE voice I should have listened to, and OBEYED; He knew where He was leading me, but I didn’t trust Him enough to do what He called me to do. Even though I did end up serving Him in other capacities like in a church praise and worship team, or going on a few global outreaches, because of the crooked path I was on, and the relationships I got myself into, I was not able to be used of Him the way HE destined for me.

December of 2016, was the time He chose to give me yet another opportunity to serve Him, but THIS time, He made sure I realized it had to be ALL or NOTHING. I CHOSE to serve Him WHOLEHEARTEDLY (Deut. 10:12; 1 Chron. 28:9; Ps. 119:2; Jer. 24:7; Mark 12:30), because serving Him half-heartedly, while doing what I WANTED to do in this world, only got me into major trouble! So I surrendered ALL to Him that night during that very emotional, tearful, and heart-wrenching time of prayer and reflection…

That night, the LORD put me back on the RIGHT PATH He initially chose for me. It’s been 7 YEARS since then, and those who know me (esp during those “before” years), can see and hear the difference NOW, compared to who I used to be.

I am grateful that the LORD God gave me another chance at being His lowly servant. It has NOT been easy at all, and many things have been “lost”, especially some very beloved people in my life, because I CHOSE to serve the LORD God with all my HEART, SOUL, MIND and STRENGTH (Deut. 6:4-9), and obey the Shema–HEARING the Voice of the LORD, and answering the CALL (finally!) in my life that HE destined for me. No regrets here! I cannot wait for That Day to thank Him in Person!!🙏💖✡️📖✝️🕊️


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