Pray Like Never Before, Beloved, For Those Perilous Times Are Upon Us

I woke up (as usual🙄🤦‍♀️) about two hours or so after I fell asleep. I got up and walked to my desk, and checked my phone; I noticed that there would be thunderstorms coming my way soon (around 2am). I tried to lay back down again, but because of what happened to the REAL President, Donald J. Trump, I could not help but vent to Abba for some time about it.

I know that “perilous times will come” (2 Tim. 3:1)–they are already here, along with the lawlessness that is abounding (Matt. 24:12). All the evil that we who CAN see what truly is going on, is just part of the pieces of the puzzle, that will eventually bring the Anti-Christ onto the world stage, to take over for SEVEN years (Dan. 9:27), bringing on the Tribulation.

What some people, even Christians, do not realize is–the FIRST SEAL OF JUDGMENT IS THE ANTICHRIST.

I am not here to mention anything about the Rapture or how or when it will happen (the Lord Jesus promised us He would take us Home with Him when it was time -Jn. 14:2-3- once He was done “preparing a place” for us), for no one knows that Day or Hour (Matt. 24:36)–just that it WILL eventually HAPPEN.

What I DO want to point out to you, especially to those who DO NOT BELIEVE, is that all who reject Jesus NOW, in 2023, and do NOT humble themselves and REPENT by the Time the LORD allows this FIRST SEAL OF THE 21 JUDGMENTS to be OPENED by the LORD JESUS CHRIST (the Lamb that was slain (Rev. 6:1-2)–those people, who are among our loved ones, friends, other family members, co-workers, etc., WILL BE DECEIVED INTO THINKING that this Anti-Christ IS the one who will save them from the world’s increasing economy and financial problems, social and political issues, etc.

They will end up BELIEVING A LIE–as they do now, by the very DEMONS who have helped them REFUSE and REJECT the Lord Jesus Christ into their lives–that this ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT LEADER–the ANTICHRIST–is going to solve ALL their problems.

🙏I stayed up and prayed for the next couple of hours, rebuking the enemies of our souls, asking the LORD to reveal Himself more to those who are BLIND and DEAF to Him, pleading with Him to do whatever it takes, to take their cold, stony hearts, and turn them into hearts of flesh (Jeremiah 36:26), so that they could SEE and UNDERSTAND that He LOVES them, and wants a relationship with THEM, and that they would finally accept the Lord Jesus into their lives, and ESCAPE the COMING JUDGMENTS.

🙏I ask YOU, dearly beloved, to do the same for your family and friends. Take out even an hour before you go to bed (or do as I did, if you wake up in the middle of the night), and PRAY mighty spiritual warfare prayers to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, asking the Godhead to allow those who still reject Him, to see Him in a new light, taking away the scales from their eyes, and unstopping their deaf ears to His Word, so that they may finally have a chance of eternal Life in and with Christ, for all Eternity.

The LORD is patient, but He WILL finish what He started several millennia ago. And the Time for the End is SOONER than we think.

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